10 Cost-Saving Tips for AWS

Businesses that are trying to keep Amazon Web Services expenses under control are encouraged to receive our free eBook, which includes ten measures to reduce AWS costs as well as professional advice on how to implement the steps.

Failure to reduce AWS expenses isn't always the responsibility of enterprises. AWS pricing is complex, and if a client believes they only charge for what they use instead of what they supply, it's easy to see how cloud costs might surpass expectations. Then there are the extra services that are tied to instances, which drive up prices and can continue to do so long after instances are canceled. In this article, you will learn how to save money on the AWS platform.

What is AWS Service?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive, ever-evolving cloud computing platform offered by Amazon that comprises platform as a service (PaaS),  infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and packaged software as a service (SaaS) products. AWS services may provide a company with tools like computational power, database management systems, and content delivery services.

AWS was founded in 2006 as an extension of the internal infrastructure built by Amazon.com to manage its online retail processes. AWS was among the first companies to offer pay-as-you-go cloud computing services, which scales to provide consumers with computing, storage, or bandwidth as needed.n AWS services are available to government agencies, educational institutions, charities, and commercial organizations.

How to reduce your AWS costs?

10 Cost-Saving Tips for AWS

Prior to attempting to reduce AWS costs, it is critical to have a complete awareness of the resources installed on AWS. You may utilize the AWS Systems Manager to gain near-total visibility, but owing to its challenging search functionality, this tool may leave you in the dark regarding some of the cost factors outlined below. A significantly better way is to use the CloudHealth cloud management software to reduce AWS expenditures.

1. Delete unattached EBS volumes

When you start an EC2 instance, and Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volume is typically associated to serve as local block storage. Unless you click the box in the AWS dashboard to have the volume deleted automatically when the service is terminated, AWS will keep charging for it even if it isn't being utilized. As a result, you might have thousands of disconnected EBS volumes increasing your expenses.

2. Delete aged snapshots

Individually, EBS snapshots are not expensive; but, if you continue to pay for outdated snapshots after they have served their useful function, you are increasing costs unnecessarily. Almost all of the time, you'll only need the most recent picture for recovery, so decide how many snapshots to keep each instance and remove those you don't need.

3. Delete unattached elastic IP addresses

Elastic IP addresses have a one-of-a-kind cost structure in that they are free as long as they are attached for the duration of the run period. However, once an instance is terminated, you must pay for the remaining resource. The expenses soon mount, and unconnected Elastic IP addresses are difficult to locate in AWS System Manager or AWS Console. CloudHealth will make it simple to find these cloud charges.

4. Terminate zombie assets

The expression "zombie assets" is commonly used to denote any underutilized assets that ramp up AWS costs; however, it refers to the components of EC2 and RDS instances that were active when an instance failed to run in the context of these 10 actions to decrease AWS expenses. It is also worth checking for unneeded and underutilized Elastic Load Balancers that may be terminated.

5. Upgrade instances to the latest generation

AWS releases new versions of instances with better speed and capabilities regularly. Updating instances to the most recent generation will not help you save money on AWS. To save money by updating, you'll need to shrink existing, older-generation instances to small dimensions to get the same level of performance at a lower cost.

6. Rightsize EC2 instances

We said in the opening that customers are sometimes ignorant that they pay for what they provide instead of what they use. This implies that if you provide an EC2 instance with 8 vCPUs and 16 GiBs of RAM, you will pay for those resources irrespective of how much of the instance's capacity you utilize. Over-provisioned instances are thought to be the primary cause of unexpectedly large AWS expenses.

7. Start/stop schedules to non-production instances

The myth that you only charge for what you use in the cloud extends to assets used for research, testing, and staging, which should not be kept running while not in use. Putting start/stop schedules to these resources can lower the amount your company spends on non-production resources by more than 65 percent, depending on how aggressive the timetable is.

8. Buy Reserved Instances

Purchasing Reserved Instances whenever feasible is one of the greatest strategies to reduce AWS prices. A cloud management tool, such as CloudHealth, will be able to notify you when instances have been operating long enough for Reserved Instance purchases to be feasible.

9. Buy reserved nodes for ElastiCache and Redshift services

Reservations for EC2 and RDS instances aren't the only assets that may help you save money on AWS. Redshift and ElastiCache are two more services for which reservations may be purchased to decrease your AWS payment. Reserved Nodes function similarly to Reserved Instances in that they can be acquired entirely at once, partially at once, or not at all in 1-year or 3-year periods.

10. Get infrequently-accessed data to lower-cost levels

AWS has numerous storage tiers at various pricing ranges based on the frequency with which data is accessed. Many organizations prefer S3 storage, but you may reduce AWS expenses by transferring seldom accessed data to lower-cost tiers. Infrequent Access Storage is ideal for long-term storage, restores, and disaster recovery, whereas Glacier is ideal for archival material.

Why are Minimizing AWS costs Essential?

AWS cost reduction should not be a one-time event. To keep AWS expenses to a minimum at all times, your cloud infrastructure must be constantly analyzed so that unattached, unused, and underutilized assets may be detected and handled. Because it is impossible to manually manage a cloud environment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, many enterprises have turned to policy-driven automation—one of CloudHealth's most useful features—to act as their virtual eyes and ears.

Policy-driven automation is a straightforward notion. Simply define a policy to scan your inventory for detached EBS volumes, for example. CloudHealth will examine your inventory and notify you of any issues it discovers, or it will perform a user-defined action, like terminating unconnected EBS volumes.

CloudHealth provides advantages other than lowering AWS expenses. Its policy-driven automated test abilities can be used to improve performance and security in environments other than the AWS Cloud. If your company runs across various public clouds or in a hybrid cloud model, CloudHealth is the appropriate option for centralized access to usage statistics to save expenses from all sources.


More applications and services are migrating to Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, and Software as a Service model. A significant portion of IT spending is being redirected to cloud providers, and knowing your cloud bill and expenditure on cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services is becoming a top priority. AWS cost optimization has evolved into its specialty, complete with specialized tools, economic structures, and best practices.